
Safeguarding & eSafety

Technology can provide fantastic and positive learning experiences both in and out of school.

As a school we provide a number of links and websites to support learning and provide ‘flip learning’ – where basic information is available for independent learning and discussions to deepen and extend understanding take place in lessons.

It is always important that IT is used safely and responsibly. Students have guidance about e-safety, staying safe online and safe internet use through assemblies, lessons and tutor times in school. This covers issues that can arise due to the uses of technology both within and outside school, including the use of social media. 

To view the RISE curriculum where staying safe online is taught, click here

Mercia Academy - Enterprise and World Studies

Notable units include:

Year 7

Blast Off - lessons on Safe setting up of accounts and passwords, Internet Safety - unsafe communication but also spam emails and viruses, Cyberbullying.

Internet Citizens – Google and YouTube unit adapted to introduce Fake News, Echo Chambers, Filter Bubbles, Emotional Manipulation, Hate Speech etc

Year 8

Emotional Wellbeing – strategies to look after own mental health including understanding impact of internet and media.

Personal Safety and Digital Literacy – includes sharing images, cyberbullying, social media and the law, digital footprint.

Year 9

Our Parliament - explores Law making with a case study on Hate Crime and online/offline behaviour

RSE Extension - online/offline safety, healthy relationships, impact of harmful viewing, Advertising feed and media.

Year 10

Ethics and RSE unit – Healthy Relationships, Objectification, Sharing of images,

Year 11

Risky Behaviour – Healthy Relationships, Digital footprint and reputational damage,

Media – role of the free press – range of media, free speech and hate speech.

If you have been a victim of sexual online abuse or you're worried this is happening to someone you know

It is also helpful for parents to have access to information to help to protect their children. The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre gives advice to parents and further information can be found by going to and following the link for the Safety

CEOP is a command of the National Crime Agency and can investigate what is happening – with the assurance that the safety and wellbeing of your child is paramount at all times.

If you are concerned that your child is in immediate danger, call 999.


Thinkuknow is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command supporting teachers, children and parents to help deliver important e-safety information.

Thinkuknow aims to ensure that everyone has access to this practical information – children, young people, their parents and carers and the professionals who work with them.

Useful Online Safety Sites

Safeguarding Children

Below are some links to support and help for parents in safeguarding children.

Child Exploitation Advice

Drugs, alcohol and Addiction at risk of or victims of grooming and CSE

Advice about self-harm and teenage Mental Health issues.