
Alternative Provision

For a small number of our KS3 and KS4 students for whom mainstream education is not appropriate, either in the short or longer term, an alternative curriculum in off-site Alternative Provision may be provided. Students attending off-site provision will have already had interventions in the Academy with the pastoral and/or SEND teams and will have had amended timetables to support their needs. A Pastoral Support Plan will have been developed and reviewed with parents, and further SEN or other referrals undertaken.

Alternative Provision means students are located off-site for part of their education. The providers deliver different curriculum subjects alongside targeted interventions aimed to develop wellbeing, with students taking responsibility for their actions and understanding how to make positive choices. The goal is that students will be reintegrated into our mainstream setting. Very occasionally this is not possible, but we aim that students will still go on to succeed in their exams and post Year 11.

All of the Alternative Provisions used by Mercia Academy have either a UKPRN and are registered with the UK Register of Learning Providers, a URN or a DfE Number.