

Staff Information:

  • Mr P. Phiri - Head of Department
  • Mrs K. Gorman - 2nd in Department
  • Miss E. Eyley - Teacher of Mathematics
  • Mrs H. Oglesby - Teacher of Mathematics
  • Mrs C Cooper - Teacher of Mathematics

Curriculum Details:

Department Curriculum Details Maths

For more information about the Maths please contact Mr P Phiri through reception on: 01283 216404

Additional Information:

It is vital that students view Mathematics as a relevant activity with links to the world outside school and our teaching aims to encourage this attitude. The department aims to interest and motivate students by using a wide variety of approaches. These include whole class teaching; group work; individualised work; investigative work; practical work; and the use of ICT.

All students have been given a username and password for the following websites to aid their learning.  Please contact your child’s Maths teacher if you have any questions.